My aunt on my mother's side, Aunt Hermione, married a Slovakian doctor and was whisked away to Prague to be a wife and mother to three fine daughters. She and I have always had a constant communication via letters, and occasional visits to the Continent by my good self. Just recently I received this photograph of a portrait commissioned by my aunt in respect to my exploits. The photos show two of her servants, one a nanny and the other their cook, holding the portrait. The local residents of the area had heard of my exploits through conversation with my aunt when they visited her husband's clinic. They were so enthused about my adventures they asked if they could parade the portrait through the streets around the section of the old city, where my aunt lives, in celebration.
A most wonderful appreciation, indeed! I am quite overwhelmed and, well, almost embarrassed really. But then, as the Colonel, I must take it in my stride.